Five Nine Problems

A guilty pleasure of mine is the pursuit of perfection. It is certainly a vice in most contexts, but there are some problems whose solutions demand a measure of perfection. These are problems that I will refer to as “5-9 problems”: problems whose solutions need five 9’s (or more) in some dimension. Usually, those nines are correctness of some kind, but they can also be availability or for some systems, speed.

A lot of software engineering today stops at 1 nine, or at best 2. AI is the poster child of this: a system which is designed to occasionally fail in order to give you amazing results in the cases where it works. This is a fantastic way to produce a product quickly, but can be a poor or completely impractical approach to a problem that needs more nines. This is a big part of why large companies move slowly compared to startups: the 9’s and the proof that you have them.

Outside of software engineering, many engineers regularly deal with 5-9 problems. At a certain level, these problems are actually less about building and more about making sure that you built the right thing, leading to a very different process. However, software engineers often decry how slow this process of engineering is, and many other engineering disciplines can overdo it: if you only need one 9, five of them is a big waste.

Solving 5-9 Problems

5-9 problems are often solved by a process of thinking, building, and proving. We will start with the last step, although all three of these steps are often intermixed. Proving ideally involves proving that what you have built works 100% of the time, but can practically mean getting almost all the way there. This is often the hardest aspect of 5-9 problems, and will get a section all of its own, but unlike most kinds of software engineering, testing alone is usually not sufficient. Directed unit tests provide great confidence in a known code path, but tell nothing about the unknown bugs lurking beyond. An assurance of 5 nines means an assurance that there are no unknown unknowns.

Thinking separate from writing code is unfortunately unavoidable when you need to be able to prove that you are right. One of the best ways to solve a 5-9 problem is to constrain it, and limit its complexity. You also have to think about what you can prove. Once you are solving the problem in a constrained space, and you have a way to prove that you are correct within those bounds, you can start to build your solution. However, thinking alone is often not enough to know what you need to build - prototyping and benchtop experiments are very helpful.

The building phase involves designing, and for software engineers, actually building, the solution to the problem. I have often found this to be the shortest and simplest part of the process. The proving and thinking parts of the problem set you up for easy success here. For people building bridges, the “building” phase does not mean actually building the bridge, but building a model of the bridge that can be proven correct. Software engineers can do the same thing, but the added step of proving that your final product matches your model is difficult for Software, while it is pretty easy for bridges.

Proving you are Right

A common problem with 5-9 problems is that proving you are correct is almost always harder than solving the problem. This is often the realm of formal verification or some other form of computer-aided logical reasoning. Fortunately, between systems like TLA+ and theorem proving software like Lean and Coq, there are a number of options available to the academically-inclined software engineer solving a 100% problem. These theorem proving systems are an active area of research and still not the most user-friendly, but they are the best tools available for ensuring that you are completely right.

Math libraries are a great example of systems that take advantage of these tools. Exhaustive testing with a pair of 64-bit doubles is completely impossible, but theorem provers can still allow you to know that your solution is always within an acceptable error bound.

Alternatively, correct-by-construction systems are self-proving that they are correct in a certain aspect. However, they usually don’t get all the way to proving that your application is correct end-to-end. The 2020-era poster child of correctness-by-construction is Rust’s memory safety guarantee. Safe Rust will not have memory safety issues: it is memory-safe by construction. You can get similar guarantees on C with static analyzers, but the natural experiment of all C and C++ that exists has shown that it’s essentially impossible to get rid of all memory safety errors without them being programmatically disallowed.

A core issue with 5-9 problems is that testing alone cannot guarantee correctness. Testing is a helpful way to debug your issues, but testing is an art where you attempt to seek out every bug in your possible bug space to send in as a test case that you knock down. Even with instrumentation like code coverage, testing alone makes few hard guarantees.

Digital engineers are probably familiar with the concept of constrained random testing, and Software engineers have also probably heard of fuzzing. In both cases, you throw a large number of randomly generated inputs at your thing and see what comes out, comparing with a model. If what comes out matches the expected value, you have a correct test case, and if not, you have an error. This allows you to effectively do science on your input space. These are often the practical replacement for formal verification in some systems, and can work quite well. Still, doing this kind of science to get to 5 nines is onerous and difficult, if it is even possible at all.

The Unattainable Ideal

Some 5-9 problems are impossible to prove correct. Generally, proofs of correctness are done with deductive reasoning. TLA+ tries every state machine transition to prove it safe, and theorem provers like Lean work on symbolic logic. When you must do science to prove that you are correct, you are in a situation where it is impossible to do so, and you have to merely get close. Thankfully, theorem provers and static analysis tools are getting better and better, and will continue to improve. In addition, a second layer is coming for formal verification, enabling people who don’t know Coq or TLA to access it: for example, ZeroRISC helps to prove RISC-V programs, and Rust is getting formal verification.

I have recently been spending time working on true randomness. This is another form of 5-9 problem, which I (hubristically) believe I have gotten closer to solving than many other people, but we all have the same problem: it is impossible to actually prove that you are generating full entropy. The best we can get in testing the claim of full entropy is to combine a “bottom up” proof approach based on the physics of the system that is generating entropy with a “top down” suite of randomness tests that are applied to the output of the random number generator. The testing gives empirical proof of both the underlying model and the end-to-end system, but nothing gets to 100%.

We test RNGs while we attack them in various ways. We involve third-party auditors to add credibility to these tests. We test a large number of devices for long times under varying environmental conditions. All of this is done to improve confidence that the testing both reaches a desired number of nines and hasn’t missed anything. In this case, the number of nines on known test cases is quite a bit more than five, but the main task is eliminating the unknown unknowns.

Problem Classification

One interesting category error in engineering planning is mis-estimating the number of nines you need. Too many or too few nines can result in problems. If you aim for too many nines - for example by building a high-availability service when you can accept downtime - this is a waste of effort that results in getting to market slower. Conversely, too few nines can result in errors or downtime at critical points in your customer’s usage.

On availability, the following guide can help:

  • 90% available is down for 36.5 days or about 50000 total minutes per year
  • 99% available is down for 3.65 days or 5000 total minutes
  • 99.9% available is down for about 9 hours (500 minutes)
  • 99.99% available is down for 52 minutes
  • 99.999% available is down for 5 minutes
  • 99.9999% available is down for 30 seconds

An interesting example of a service that doesn’t need availability like this is US online banking. Most US banks won’t run money transfers except for withdrawals of cash from ATMs over the weekend. Aside from checking a balance that won’t change, there is almost nothing you can do. As long as you don’t have random downtime, you can be 90% available on an online banking service. By contrast, Google and Facebook, while they are mainly ads companies, lose incredible amounts of money per second from being offline, and aim for as many 9’s of uptime as possible.

On correctness, we have:

  • 99% correct means that you can expect an error in every 100 instances
  • 99.99% correct means that you can expect an error in every 10,000 instances
  • 99.9999% correct means that you can expect an error in every 1,000,000 instances

I once wrote a piece of code that worked perfectly unless the input had a 16-bit checksum of 0. Since the checksum was 16 bits, this code would fail one time in 65,536. 99.998% correct is not bad, but when it first got deployed, it went wrong in one hour. This was rare enough that both code review and some (limited) fuzz testing failed to catch the error, but common enough to be a problem in prod.

Interestingly, a problem with a large number of nines of correctness is manufacturing of memory arrays. Before DDR5, which had on-device ECC to allow for some errors in the memory array, memory devices had to have flawless copies of 100’s of billions of cells.

At larger scales, more nines naturally become necessary. Running 1000 servers with 99% availability will guarantee that at least one is down at any time. This is part of why larger companies need more nines. When you have a billion customers spending time on your app, it is virtually guaranteed to break in any way it possibly can.

Being Wrong

The worst that happens when you are wrong about a problem being a 100% problem is that you are slow. You spend a lot of time thinking, a lot of time doing, and a lot of time testing. You burn political capital with your colleagues spending so much time on one thing. Your competitors spend almost no time thinking or testing, and outrace you to market. If you are wrong about a problem not being a 5-9 problem, the worst that happens is that you introduce errors. Often, you lose customers for being wrong. You can lose customer trust or you can get sued. Sometimes you can kill people, but usually you won’t.

The core trade of “move fast and break things” is that asking for forgiveness is not that bad, a reputation for being untrustworthy fades, and what you are solving usually doesn’t kill people when it goes wrong. It is very much worthwhile to focus on building rather than proving when the stakes are low.

Building on top of Things

Building on top of other products and services accelerates your time to market, but can affect your nines. If you rely on a product with 4 nines of uptime, you will never exceed 4 nines of uptime. That means that many services cannot underlie things that need to make guarantees.

For a while, AWS’s us-east-1 region was notorious for going down. It would be nearly impossible to get to more than 3 nines in that region. It got to the point where being single-region in us-east-1 was a point of pride for some startups, because going down when the rest of the internet is also down isn’t really a problem. Clouds today still recommend being multi-regional for 5 nines of uptime - some will recommend being multi-cloud.

Conversely, building with multiple options can add more nines. Having two redundant services with 3 nines can remove that from your critical path on reliability - as long as the downtime in those services is uncorrelated. This is why regional redundancy works: the clouds work hard to avoid global dependencies, so failures between regions should be uncorrelated.

Tesla as a Case Study in Nines

Tesla is a prime example of a company that is taking a 90% approach to a problem that is traditionally approached by 5-9’s engineering. This has allowed Tesla to do the unthinkable: they have produced a car company that builds a product with incredible new systems and a completely new drivetrain for the time. They did it fast, too, and beat incredible odds. Most car startups end in obscurity or failure, and this is a car brand that succeeded in going mainstream. Yes, there are some wide panel gaps and the car isn’t perfect, but any real problem can get ironed out with an over-the-air update. It turns out consumers largely don’t care if you take a 5-9 approach to the manufacturing and design of your body panels - they don’t have to be perfect to sell a car.

However, as Tesla matures, they are running into a problem that appears to be depressingly close to a 5-9 problem: self-driving cars. Waymo has had some success getting toward self-driving, but they do it by turning a car into an incredibly expensive robot with an onboard supercomputer, and mapping their target cities inch by inch. However, the car drives like a nervous teenager, and can be disabled with a traffic cone. Waymo has also managed to turn the 5-9 problem into a problem with fewer nines by adding a rich interface on their side that allows humans to provide feedback to Waymos that aren’t sure about what to do. This “centaur” of computers with less and less human intervention (given in a way that is trainable) is an incredible self-driver.

Conversely, two examples of the “move fast and break things” approach, Uber and Tesla, have both resulted in fatal collisions while self-driving. Notably, they are not the only ones to suffer this sort of incident: Ford is also being investigated for fatal self-driving crashes.

Reconciling Speed and Correctness

How you define a problem often is what makes 5-9 problems tractable. Focusing on the “happy path” lets you make quicker advances than trying to tackle the whole thing. The dimension in which you can do “90%” has shifted compared to most problems: you must be correct, but if you can do it 50% of the time (and reliably fail or fall back to something else for the other 50%) you can often build great things. The remaining 50% can become a long tail. The issue with this method is that your problem detection needs to have five nines of recall. To be 100% correct, you need to be able to fall back 100% of the time when you are might be wrong.

During refactors of code that has to match the behavior of previously existing code, a small 100% problem in itself, rebuilding the hot path of systems is something that I have found to be very successful. You can be correct when you know conditions are ideal, using a very simple mental model, and fall back to the gnarly error handling of the existing implementation if you have any doubt about how ideal things are.

Defining 5-9 problems into small pieces that can be knocked down one after the other is one of the other ways to get to a quick solution. A great senior engineer or architect is someone who can do this for a team, handing the problems of implementation and verification out at each step. The hard part is making sure you are always correct.

Designing around Reliability

Reliability is an often-unspoken dimension of engineering projects. Often, it is the last dimension to be consciously considered in the engineering process, and only after an embarrassing incident or two. However, thinking about it ahead of time can be a useful idea. Thinking about it honestly is important, though: a vertical SaaS startup can likely eschew most reliability concerns beyond 2 nines. A database company or critical infrastructure service likely needs to think about 5 from the beginning. Anyone storing data needs to get 10 or more nines of durability. Understanding your nine requirements can help you figure out where you can skimp and where you need to spend effort.

Services that need strong guarantees are the ones I find the most interesting to build. The existing ones are often limited by the available tooling to make sure that they are provably correct. However, this leaves a lot of room to build new tooling and new systems together to get significant advancements in the state of the art.

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